Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.
Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.
Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.
Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.
Kindred Summer is the hottest proset (a preset with a profile!) in our Seasons collection.
With a punchy contrast and vibrant colors, she is hard to resist. Don't worry; skin tones still take the front seat! Here at Kindred, bold color rendering doesn't have to mean unrealistic skin tones. This tool has a clean and cool highlight and mid-tone, keeping colors true every step of the way. When dreaming up this tool, we hoped that the fun and vibrancy of snow cones, pool toys, and summer fashion would have a distinct presence while the coolness of a mid-day swim would be felt from top to bottom. With accompanying buttons that amp up and pull the volume down, there is a Summer vibe for everyone.
You will receive Kindred Summer and The Kindred Summer Profile with 10 powerful quick adjust buttons for the best skin tones, color, and detail retention.
This product includes Kindred Summer, the Kindred Summer Profile, and 10 quick fix buttons. These presets are compatible with Adobe LR Classic version 7 or higher, Lightroom CC, and ACR.
Due to the digital nature of these products, and as an industry standard, refunds are not given.
SOFTER SUMMER - Softens Tones and Contrast
HIGHLIGHT SAVE - Takes the punch out of your whites and highlights.
SOFTER SKIN SATURATION - Is your client suffering from fake tan skin, even if they didn't pay for one? This button has your back.
CRUEL SUMMER - Fever dreams are high with this button. Summer's a knife with these intensified colors and contrast.
SUMMERTIME SADNESS - We've got that summertime sadness, right here. Pull down the vibrancy of your colors with one click.
LESS BLUE PLEASE - As advertised 😉
LESS GREEN PLEASE - As advertised 😉
HOT IN HERRE - Looking for hazy summer shadows and underexposed film vibes? Nelly knew you would be...
SHARP ATTACK - The truest fear we've never experienced...along with quick sand anyway. Sharpen your file to the gods with one click!
ADD GRAIN - As advertised 😉
click through
Welcome to Kindred Presets, where editing becomes a joyful and expert experience! Since our launch in 2017, we have been serving photographers worldwide, helping them achieve their creative vision easily and confidently. Our mission is to provide presets that prioritize true-to-life skin tones and beautiful color emulation, ensuring your images look their absolute best.
Join our vibrant and supportive community of photographers worldwide who have experienced the Kindred Presets magic. Our presets have been trusted by thousands of photographers, and we're thrilled to be a part of their creative journeys. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our presets will help you achieve the look you desire while adding a touch of fun and personality to your editing process. We're here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the insight you need. Check out our FAQ section for additional information and guidance.
Let's embark on this editing adventure together, where expertise meets fun and creativity. Welcome to Kindred Presets!
" I would be selling Kindred short if I just categorized it as an editing tool and left it at that. Using Kindred and watching how it worked, in combination with being part of the Facebook community, also improved my shooting abilities tenfold. I learned how to use light the way I wanted and select locations that achieved the images of my dreams. Because of a PRESET. Thanks to Kindred, the future is bright!"
- Eleanor Wellbaum
"Kindred has literally changed my editing style for the better! Before I purchased the Kindred Pack, I was inconsistent in my edits and my skin tones were way off. With just one-click - BOOM! They looked GORGEOUS. Skin tones were perfection, whites were brilliantly white and blacks were spot on."
- Kendrick Terrell
"The balance of beautiful colors and contrast is what first drew me to Kindred. Skin tones seem to just glow like sunshine, the colors make my heart sing and I'm always confident that my images will look how I imagined. These presets have genuinely cut down hours of work and I'm always excited to see what kind of magic they'll add to my photos."
- Michelle Santiago
Kindred Essential
Kindred Noir
Kindred spring
Kindred Winter
Kindred Technical
Kindred Aura
Kindred summer
Kindred fall
Kindred Black + White
click to see the difference
Whatever white balance floats your boat! We personally shoot in AWB, but Kelvin also works. You can learn more about why we love AWB here!
As you can see from the examples on this page, Kindred Summer performs beautifully in any lighting scenario! No preset will ever be one click, and some lighting scenarios will require more tweaking than others. We recommend starting with exposure and white balance, followed by experimenting with the included adjustment buttons!
Kindred Summer was created for RAW images, which provide a greater range of adjustment in post-processing. You can still apply the preset to JPG images, but the Kindred Summer Profile will not work on JPG images.
Kindred Presets are compatible with Adobe LR Classic version 7 or higher, Lightroom CC, and ACR.
Due to the digital nature of our products we do not offer refunds. If you are not sure if these presets are right for you, we suggest sending in images for a test edit first.
Yes, of course! Our small but mighty team is always here to help make your experience the best it can be. If you have questions about this preset or about your Kindred Preset purchase, please email our team here.
try before you buy?
Your image testing request has been received, please allow us time to review your request and add you to our queue. Currently we are completing requests on Tuesday and Thursdays.