
Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.


Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.


Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.


Are you a spring breeze? Because you just blew me away.

Kindred Spring. It is exactly what it sounds like. Soft, romantic colors with
a present pop and a very soft contrast. This preset is a dream. With beautiful peachy skin tones and a beautiful skin-supporting profile, we are especially proud of Kindred Spring. We especially love the highlight retention in this preset partnered with the soft shadows. The extra soft contrast can be cause for a little encouragement if you're looking for something with more oomph, but the deep greens and joyful tones of this preset will leave you with a Spring in your step. 

You will receive Kindred Spring, Kindred Spring Profile, and 10 quick fix buttons.

preset details

This product includes Kindred Spring and 10 quick fix buttons. These presets are compatible with Adobe LR Classic version 7 or higher, 
Lightroom CC, and ACR.

KINDRED SPRING quick fix buttons

Color Pop
Punchy Warm Tones
Punchy Cool Tones
Clean Tones
Push It (+1)
Push It Real Good (+2)
More Greens Please
Truer Dark Tones
Increase Grain
Remove Grain


kindred SPRING

Formerly Kindred Fuji 400

Due to the digital nature of these products, and as an industry standard, refunds are not given.

Feather + Twine, Charla Storey, Tenth and Grace

hover for original


kindred essential

Feather + Twine, Charla Storey

hover for original


kindred essential

Ashley Rains, Charla Storey, Jennefer Wilson

hover for original


kindred essential

 Jennefer Wilson, Lauren Marks, Feather and Twine

hover for original


kindred essential

 Jennefer Wilson

hover for original


kindred SPRING

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kindred spring


Tenth + Grace

Rachael LaPorte

Jennefer Wilson

Tenth + Grace

Anya Captures

Charla Storey

Lauren Marks

Becca lea

Feather + Twine

Jennefer Wilson

Jennefer Wilson

Ashley Rains

Feather + Twine

Charla Storey

Ryan Jordan

Charla Storey

try before you buy?

wish you could

jump over to our facebook group and have 5 images edited by our team! 

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